Multi-purpose Wheats

Australia Standard White (ASW)

ASW is a highly versatile medium to low-protein white wheat representing excellent value for straight milling or blending purposes. 

Commodity:   Wheat Grade:             ASW1™ Season:                              2022/23
Standard Reference No.:  CSG-105
Variety RestrictionsYesApproved varieties only
Protein Min (%)No Min.N X 5.7 @ 11% Moisture Basis
Protein Max (%)n/a 
Moisture Max (%)12.5 
Test Weight Min (kg/hl)76.0 
Unmillable Material Above the Screen Max (% by weight)0.6Includes whiteheads (with grains removed), chaff, backbone, Wild Radish pods, Milk Thistle pods, Skeleton Weed Flowers (Seed Heads) or other seedpods not otherwise listed.  Excludes contaminants where tolerances already exist.
Screenings Max (% by weight)5.0All matter passing through a 2.0mm slotted screen – 40 shakes in the direction of the slots
Falling Number Min (sec)300Falling Number result overrides the visual assessment for Sprouted grains
Defective Grains Max - (% by count, 300 grain sample [500 grain sample for WA], unless otherwise stated)
Stained5.0Severely Damaged (count per half litre, grain remaining above the screen)1.0
Pink Stained2.0All Smuts except Loose Smut (entire load)Nil
White Grain Disorder / Head Scab1.0Insect Damaged1.0
Field Fungi (count per half litre)10.0Over-Dried DamagedNil
Dry Green or Sappy1.0  
Foreign Seed Contaminants Max - (count of seeds in total per half litre, unless otherwise stated)
Type 1 (individual seeds)8Colocynth, Double Gees/Spiny Emex/Three Cornered Jack, Jute, Long Head Poppy, Mexican Poppy, Opium Poppy, Field Poppy, Horned Poppy, Wild Poppy, New Zealand Spinach, Parthenium Weed (QLD only)
Type 2NilCastor Oil Plant, Coriander, Crow Garlic/ Wild Garlic, Darling Pea, Parthenium Weed (NSW/VIC/SA), Peanut seeds and pods, Ragweed, Rattlepods, Starburr, St. John’s Wort
Type 3a2Bathurst Burr, Bellvine, Branched Broomrape, Bulls Head/Caltrop/Cats Head, Cape Tulip, Cottonseed, Dodder, Noogoora Burr, Thornapple
Type 3b4Vetch (Tare), Vetch (Commercial)
Type 3c2 pods / 8 seedsHeliotrope (Blue), Heliotrope (Common)
Type 420Bindweed (Field), Cutleaf Mignonette, Darnel (Drake Seed), Hexham Scent/Meliot (only acceptable if no tainting odour is present), Hoary Cress, Mintweed,
Nightshades, Paddy Melon, Skeleton Weed, Variegated Thistle
Type 540Knapweed (Creeping/Russian), Sesbania Pea, Patterson’s Curse/ Salvation Jane
Type 610Colombus Grass, Johnson Grass, Saffron Thistle
Type 7a1Adzuki Beans, Broad Beans, Chickpeas, Corn (Maize), Cowpea, Faba Beans, Lentils, Lupins, Peas (Field), Medic Pods, Safflower, Soybean, Sunflower and any other seeds or pods greater than 5mm in diameter. Includes Onion Weed Pods
regardless of size
Type 7b50Barley (2 & 6 row), Bindweed (Australian), Bindweed (Black), Brome Grass, Carrot Weed, Durum, Red/Spring Feed Wheats, Oats (Black/Wild), Oats (Sand), Oats (Common), Rice, Rye (Cereal), Ryegrass on Stalk, Sorghum (Grain), Triticale, Turnip Weed Pods and any other Foreign Seeds not specified in Types 1-7(a), in SFS or in Unmillable Material Above the Screen that remain above the 2.0mm screen following the Screenings process
Small Foreign Seeds (% by weight)0.6All Foreign Seeds not specified in Types 1-7(b) that fall below the 2.0mm screen during the Screenings process
Other Contaminants Max - (count per half litre, unless otherwise stated)
Pickling Compounds (entire load)NilPickled grain or artificial colouring
Chemicals Not Approved for Wheat (entire load)NilResidues of any chemical compound not approved for wheat, used in contravention of the labelled instructions or chemicals in excess of the MRL
Ryegrass Ergot (length in cm)2.0Length of all pieces present aligned end on end
Cereal Ergot1Pieces or whole affected kernel
Stored Grain Insects & Pea Weevil – Live (entire load)NilAll life stages
Insects – Large, dead or alive3Includes Rutherglen bugs, ladybirds, grasshoppers, locusts, sitona weevils, wood bugs & pea weevil (dead only)
Insects – Small, dead or alive10Includes all species of aphid, mites & stored grain insects (dead only)
Earcockle10Number of galls
Snails1Dead or alive
Loose Smut3Pieces of backbone
Sand20Individual grains
Earth15mm maximum in diameter
Stones (g per 2.5L)4.0Maximum weight of all Stones retained above a 2.0mm screen per 2.5L
Objectionable Material (entire load)NilPresence of meat meal, blood meal, fish meal, poultry offal meal or other animal proteins.  Stick/Stubble (>3cm in length and 1cm in diameter), glass, concrete, metal, animal excreta, animal carcasses, tainting agents or any other commercially
unacceptable contaminant, smell or taste.
Other Foreign Material (% by weight)0.1Fine material (eg., Soil, dust and minerals), pieces of snail shell (< half), pieces of stored grain insects